ADC #AD76864111-Blue Swirly. Pro's Combo II S.R.. Live Chat for Discount Codes
ADC's most popular professional kit that combines the best selling 768 series pocket aneroid with the 641 Adscope Sprague in a color coordinated premium nylon carry case. Pro�s Combo II Sprague 768-641 series includes: Combines ADC's Prosphyg 768 with an Adscope Sprague 641 and deluxe carry case. Contemporary black enamel 300mmHg manometer. Adcuff calibrated nylon cuff with proprietary Size Guide� marking system prevents mis-cuffing. Chrome-plated deflation valve. Complete aneroid, matching case, and color-matched Sprague stethoscope. Extra large, color-matched, dual pocket carry case, measures 9� x 5� x 2�.